In 2016 D.Castalanetta was awarded as a best 2015 opening for her stories published in the july issue of the magazine "Neva".
In 2015 literary magazine "Neva" published two short stories from the series "Stories about blocade": "To fetch water" and "The New 1942".
In 2008-2009 author was working on creating book "Princess Toritell or The journey to the star". In 2013 it was piblished as e-book.
In 2009 german Verlag Regine Dehnel published the "Nevskiy avenue" by N.Gogol where D.Castalanetta's pictures were used.
Daria Castalanetta was born on the 25th of January 1982 in Leningrad, USSR. In 2003 she graduated from Saint-Petersburg state university of finance and economics.
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